An update on
the new sculpture. Looks like the finished sculpture
will top out at about 800 lbs. So far it looks
like I have knocked off about 1000 lbs of stone
(420 lbs in the first load to the dump. Now have
a larger pile to go to the dump).
The design
is interconnected circles, tentatively named
The Sound of Joy. When
experiencing Joy (the emotion) it starts small
then springs to new heights & different
directions encompassing any surrounding space.
slowly it contracts to begin the process all
over again.
The design flows (in front view) from the lower
right circles around to the left & goes inside
the first circle &
connects to the second (middle) circle. The
second circle rears up comes down & connects to
the third
(largest circle – in the back) circle.
The large circle arches over the second circle &
comes to rest on the left side of the front view.
Finished Sculpture will be 24" x 24" x 36" tall.
Mounted on an 18" x 18" x 24"t pedestal will
make the
sculpture/pedestal combination 18" x 18" x 60"
tall & weigh in at 1600 lbs approx.
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